Friday, February 29, 2008

weather on friday february 29, 2008

hey guys i know that i have not been posting for awhile so i thought that i would post today. the temp outside is..... 28 degrees and the humidity out is 83%. The temp inside is 76 but it feels alot warmer than that. the humidity inside is 10%. Do you guys think that its going to get warmer any time soon. i dont think that it is going to.

Monday, February 11, 2008

weather on feb. 11 of 2008

hey guys it Bry again! The weather is brutal out there! The temp outside is 5 degrees and that is really cold. the hum. out is 37% WOW. The temp in the school is 75 degrees and the hum. in the school is 7%.

Friday, February 8, 2008

weather on feb.8 2008

hey guys today is feb. 8th and the temp outside is 19.4 degrees and the hum. is 76%. The temp inside is 75.9 and the hum. is 9%. that is all for today.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

weather on feb.7 2008

hey guys and girls! the temp today is 18 degrees and the hum. is 77% for the outside. The temp inside is 79.3 and the hum. is 10%. wow its cold and i cant wait till spring comes around. How about you?